My series was most influenced by the photographs from chapter 2 "Once upon a time" and chapter 4 "Something about nothing". The first chapter talks about the connection between film and photography and the narrative quality that photographs tend to exhibit. These narrative range from overt storytelling to more subtle narratives. The second chapter focuses about photographs without people and how we the viewer experience these photographs. The lack of humans causes us to look at objects that is often left ignored and the viewer sees the world in a different perspective.
Christopher Stewart's photograph on the top reference cinema with the lighting of the room and the posture of the man. What surprising about the photograph is the unstaged component of the scene. Stewart's cinematic touch in his lighting and the way the composition alludes to to past films is interesting. I was influenced by the simple compositions of Stewart and the way the everyday lighting can have different meaning in the photograph. The lamp in the photo has a completely cinematic quality.
Laura Letinsky's phtograph in the bottom takes inanimate objects and adds a human quality to the objects. Her series of food in between meals draws attention to a moment of time that most do not notice. The tossed objects and unorganized objects shows action in which we can imagine someone tossing the fork or napkin after finishing their food. This way of portraying objects influence my own series in which I attempt to do the same thing but with domestic objects in general.
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