My first photograph is a picture of an old photograph of a relative. I chose this image because I liked the lighting of the photograph and how the gold on the frame reacts to the light. I also liked the juxtaposition of the stern face of the Napoleon statue and the smile of the photographed person.

The second photograph is a picture of Peruvian decorative figures. I was experimenting how flash affects the photograph since I mostly take my photos without flash. I was focusing on photographing small details around the house. I chose this photo because I believed that they showed a small aspect of my family’s culture.
My third photograph was difficult to decide because I was stuck between the one of the family portrait and the photograph of the stuffed bunny. I liked how I was included in the reflection of the picture as well as in the photograph itself. However, the lighting of the stuff bunny was very appealing and was more successful in creating a mood. So I decided with the stuff bunny because it just had a sense of a narrative and I felt the composition was more successful. I liked the balance of the green numbers on the left and the green of the bunny. If anyone is curious, the photograph is a picture of my niece’s room.
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